Truckers sometimes make trips without a trailer attached. These bobtail drives often last only a few miles, perhaps only to the terminal of a new carrier. But no matter how short or how long you’ll be on the road, you need the protection offered by bobtail truck insurance.

Porter Freight Funding has cultivated strategic partnerships that can connect you to the right insurance. You can trust our recommendations because our team has the experience and network to identify the best bobtail coverage for truckers.

What Is Bobtail Coverage for Truckers?

Bobtail coverage insures you when you drive your 18-wheeler without a trailer attached to it. You need to have insurance when you make these trips with or without dispatch. Most carriers require this insurance, and it protects you in the case of an accident. It applies when you drive without a load, most often going back and forth between the terminal.

Bobtail insurance differs from non-trucking insurance. The latter is coverage for when you drive your truck during your off hours or non-commercial time. Fewer truckers need bobtail insurance, but both types of policy offer valuable liability coverage.

Bobtail insurance costs may be higher than non-trucking insurance because it’s so specialized. Not every carrier offers this type of coverage, so connecting with the right insurance provider is critical. Porter Freight Funding can help.

Why Is Semi Truck Bobtail Insurance Important?

Buying bobtail insurance protects you if you get into an accident. It ensures you for bodily or property damage that occurs when you drive an 18-wheeler without an attached load and not under dispatch.

Many carriers require drivers to have bobtail insurance when they drive without a trailer. The policy protects them if drivers get in an accident after delivering a load or on the way home from a delivery. It covers many expenses associated with these scenarios, including:

  • Medical fees.
  • Legal bills in the case of a lawsuit.
  • Settlement expenses.

How Much Does Bobtail Insurance Cost?

The cost of bobtail insurance coverage will vary on several factors. Some of these include:

  • Your experience as a driver in the trucking industry
  • The policy limits you need for your coverage
  • How frequently do you bobtail
  • Previous insurance history

Contact Us for a Bobtail Insurance Coverage Quote

Porter Freight Funding has the connections you need to find the right insurance coverage at the best rates. Reach out today to learn more and get a bobtail liability insurance coverage quote.

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