Navigating the world of trucking operations can be challenging, especially when it concerns fuel costs. This is why we’ve developed our precise and reliable Fuel Cost Calculator tool to simplify operational planning and help you achieve significant savings.

This tool takes into account essential factors including the number of trucks, average miles driven per week per truck, your fleet’s average MPG (Miles Per Gallon), and the average diesel price per gallon. By inputting these factors, our calculator provides an instantaneous and comprehensive overview of your fuel expenditure.

Number of Trucks
Miles Per Week Per Truck
Average MPG
Average Price Per Gallon

What to Expect from Our Fuel Cost Calculator

Upon hitting the submit button, our tool quickly processes your input data and provides a detailed report with four key outputs:

  1. Weekly Diesel Costs: The total amount you’re currently spending on diesel every week.
  2. PorterFuel Card Weekly Savings: The amount of money you could save each week by using a PorterFuel Card.
  3. PorterFuel Card Monthly Savings: Your potential monthly fuel savings with a PorterFuel Card.
  4. PorterFuel Card Annual Savings: An estimate of your total savings in a year should you opt for the PorterFuel Card.

The outputs are aimed at providing a clear, financial snapshot of your current situation and the potential savings within your reach when you switch to PorterFuel.

With this data, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions about your fuel management strategy. But more than monetary benefits, our fuel cost calculator empowers you to drive your company towards greater operational efficiency and sustainability.

Looking to Speak to an Expert?

Porter Freight Funding provides funding solutions for owner-operators, small to mid-sized companies, and even large fleets. We provide solutions to manage the effects of an economic slowdown including freight factoring, dispatching services, fuel cards, and more.

Call Us Today